Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Leadership Conference

Last night I went with Vicki to the opening service of a Leadership Training conference, which will conclude Friday. Due to the extenuating circumstances I was allowed to acompany Vicki. So this morning we scurried to get there before the meetings started at precisely 8:30 in the morning. You have to understand that Vicki is a very busy person, and ran to market to get breakfasty things, COOKED UP some chicken bits with onion and tomato, all the while trying to get HERSELF ready...and the fact that we were going by motokar, which takes some time since where we are there are a lot of dirt roads to traverse before you hit pavement. BUT we made it on time, and were assigned to room 4, on the 3rd floor of the large Baptist church. One of the directors was going to change me to the main auditorium so I wouldn't have to deal with stairs, but they weren't any trouble (just a bit slick. Note to self: wear sneakers tomorrow.) 
 There were 2 courses with 15 minute break between, then lunch (the ubiquitous rice - seasoned - a piece of chicken, a container with cooked sliced potatoes and a creamy sauce, like a version of potato salad, with a piece of lettuce and an olive. Then 3 more sessions, with 15 minutes between, and then all together in the main auditorium. 
The speakers were all GRINGOS. They worked with translators, and in my own classroom I was useful over some rough places (one translator gave me a hug as she left, saying with a laugh, "my salvation!") It's been fun chatting a bit with my countrymen. I feel sorry for them staying at a hotel. Though I have occasional challenges with a chamberpot, I still prefer staying with "family." And I catch myself thinking in Spanish. During breaks I've enjoyed talking to local pastors and pastoras
No doubt the Lord will use this conference in my own life.
Thanks for prayers!

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