Sunday, August 10, 2014


Well, Thursday evening Sabina said she was supposed to preach but she had to go to a meeting, so she asked if I could give the message. I trust the Lord that He can use me at any time, and try to be prepared in and out of season. I "just happened" to have been focusing a lot on Eph. 2, so was going to use that, though I wasn't sure where I'd go with it. A brother Lorenzo was directing the service, and he opened reading that same section of scripture. Well, when it was my turn, I got up and began to take the passage slowly, calling to remembrance where we had all once been before Christ. Aftewrwards, Lorenzo thanked me, because he hadn't understood it quite so well, and I opened itup to him. What a blessing to be so used!
Then Friday after breakfast I was able to have a nice sponge bath - changed ALL my duds. I am sure there are missionaries and campers out there who know what I mean! It was a relaxing day - Nimia invited me (and Sabina who had to accompany) for lunch. I was served SO MUCH, but I couldn't (and wouldn't) finish it all. Then back to the church and toodling about on the computer until it was time for the evening service. This time Sabi preached, and for her I take out my notebook, because she is gifted and anointed to teach. She spoke of going in at the narrow gate.
"Home" again to Carmen's house, and the next day I spent mainly with Carmen and 2 of her 3 sons, Josue and Joel. We breakfasted and lunched and visited and watched videos on the computer and they looked at my pix and vids on Facebook. We went to the church for the youth service, well attended. It's a blessing to see the youth growing upin the Lord, discipling OTHERS. We didn't go home until way late because after the service itself they have a good time of fellowship and games, and hate to leave.
This morning after breakfast Carmen brought me to the church where the women were already preparing the chicken barbecue fundraising for a concrete roof for the church (so cats won't come falling through the caluminas!) Because Ps. Jorge and Sabi were also involved, Jorge asked if I could give the message. Again, in and out of season - I'd been reading in Luke 6 about loving enemies. While I don't have what I'd exactly call enemies, there ARE people who annoy me, and I am convicted that I have to change my attitude and actions. Anyway, I shared from that, and apparently GOD KNOWS WHAT HES'S DOING (ya think?) because one of the brothers there, when he got up to share, said he was convicted in his own life.
Afterwards, Sabi treated me to a BBQ chicken breast - yummers! Ps. Patricio arrived with the polos Hilda got for me for Levi and son Josue - but alas, they didn't have any extra large for me. Ps. "Jorgito", a diminutive pastor, also came to get some of the chicken. We were able to talk a bit, and Jorgito would like me to come to his church, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to, since I'm leaving Thurs. for Pucallpa, and my time is already being scheduled. Nice to be in demand, though!
Tonight another church...thanks for prayers!

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