Notes and News about Shelley Saffer (de Utia) in her mission work in South America

Friday, August 1, 2014
Sabi prepared some chicken, potatoes, and the ubiquitous rice for all who came for lunch on my birthday yesterday. But for me she also prepared a special meal, what I'd call "Chinese-ified" chicken - stir fried with veggies, EVEN BEAN SPROUTS!, because, she said, "Es tu CUMPLEAÑOS!" (it's your BIRTHDAY!)
Guests arrived in dribs and drabs - pastors and pastoras, friends, and "sons". I had no expectation of gifts, but I got them anyway. Lima's winter isn't as cold as Rochester's, but there's no central heating, and the dampness gets to one. I got some nice warm socks and a few different scarves, and a combination hat and scarf which I ended up wearing the rest of the day.
Pictures were taken, and later I loaded them. Then around 5 Sabi sggested I may want to take a little nap back at Carmen's house because the service was apt to go long. So Jorge accompanied me - we looked for a motokar but there were NONE in sight. So we ended up walking the whole way. I have the strength and stamina - but it's the knee and hip that give me trouble (in this case, the knee was hurting more.) I promptly flopped in my bed and had a nice nap, rising when I heard Vicki's voice when she came to get me. This time we WERE able to get a motokar.
We started with a church service - Sabi's daughter Ruth led in the singing.
As the last song was coming to an end, I sensed the Father wanted to minister to His children, and went to speak to Sabi about it - she indicated I should go ahead. So I invited people up for prayer while "son" Jhibson softly played on the keyboard. And Father touched a number of hearts that evening.
Then the seats were rearranged and the party began. Sabi had seenmy pix of the clown at my goddaughter's birthday, and when I told her she could contact Lucesita through Psa. Lorenza, she did just that, and so I HAD A CLOWN FOR MY BIRTHDAY PARTY! And balloons - in fact, I hadn't noticed at first, but they had strung up red balloons, AND A PIÑATA! Well, out came the clown, with the funny hats, whistles and balloons, and a CD had been put in of lively praise songs, and so everyone got up and did a simple little "dance" , trotting around the floor, waving balloons and blowing whistles.
It was silly - it was good clean fun, without drunkenness. Afterwards, a couple of little games, then the cake. When everyone finally cleared out and Vicki accompanied me to her brother's house, it was already midnight! I had to write SOME in my journal. I got it started and finally retired, and then after Vicki and I got up and returned to the church and had breakfast, I finally caught up. And now I'm blogging and trying to load pix. Thanks for prayers - I am sure they helped to minister to the folks last night!
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