view from the bodega window of some of the goodies Ma sells |
Resident Lizard Peeks from Behind Broom |
Relaxing with my Honey at Erica's house |
Ma prepares dough to be used for pizza and sweet rolls |
Was charmed last night by the appearance of a little lizard pooking from behind the brooms for sale hanging up outside Josue's room. And the previous evening while sitting outside chatting with Papa and Levi, saw a little bat flutter about going for insects attracted to the light. Thank God for my Mom who brought me up not to be squeamish about creepy crawly or fluttery.
The pizza, by the way, turned out REALLY GOOD. No pepperoni, so I got some lunch ham, decent stuff, and some packs of Italian style tomato sauce. Mama made the dough. She put a bit extra yeast in because she wasn't sure if it was still good. It WAS, however, and our combined efforts were thoroughly enjoyed. We even thought about selling it, 2 soles for an eighth of a pizza.
Levi had gone out just before we got back from shopping - the fellow who had hit his motorcycle from behind called to pay for the repairs. Levi came when we'd finished eating lunch, bringing ice cream bars, and brother Victor arrived at the same time to take me to visit some other American missionaries who were at his church, between meetings. So I wolfed down my ice cream and went with Victor while Levi attacked the pizza. I had a nice long visit with Marylin, and then had Victor drop me off here at cousin Palomino's internet until someone comes for me. I could feasibly walk home alone, it's only about 3 1/2 blocks - BUT not a good idea for a gringa, unescorted.
Thanks to exercises, I've been able to mount and dismount a little easier behind Levi on the motorcycle, and I think now I know how to dismount with more ease, if after placing my right foot on the ground I back up a bit to swing my left leg over the back...I'll have to do more exercises though, after today's pizza and ice cream. Oh, and I also bought a bottle of cola from the bodega to have with it!
Someone visiting with the other missionary pastor, whose family is very international, mentioned having to get a stamp from the embassy on my birth certificate, because she did. But maybe because she was of Korean parents. I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. If worse comes to worse, civil ceremony will have to wait until NEXT year. God knows what HE is doing, and that is what matters. Prayers are always appreciated. Still waiting on HIS document. We continue to be "Soldados de Espera." They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strenght...They shall mount up with wings as eagles. Or Boeing 747's. Whatever it takes.
Here is the video I made combining scenes from the paseo through Pucallpa.
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