The rain of the previous night brought the temp down so I changed into sweatpants, a turtleneck shirt under my teeshhirt, and a sweater. Levi seemed to adjust well though, so I told him he'll have no trouble getting accustomed to the climate in Rochester, which he calls "mi tierra". The cold helped the swelling in my ankles to subside. Although I did not go to the bathroom the twelve times Levi claimed during the night, I did go frequently, and lo and behold this morning I could see my ankle bones! They say it's supposed to continue cool for the next several days, 11 celcius - though with the sun shining, I have doffed my sweater and also the turtleneck. My morning walks with Papito are paying off - he commented that I am walking more "ligero" - lightly - and we even did a little jog on one pass...and we walked 40 minutes rather than 30. Then Mama had compassion on me and walked with me to cousin Palomino's internet - it's just 3 blocks - since Levi is out and about again: another try with the lawyer, an attempt at the Immigration office here in town to see if we can avoid the Lima trip (which I doubt because that would be CONVENIENT!) And he also has to get his address changed on his DNI (national identity card) - it's still the Iquitos address!
Levi reported last night that Victor was indeed willing to accompany me to Lima, that there's a relative in the Peruvian Air Force where we can stay at the residence near the embassy, and we may even be able to get a discount on the trip with another relative who has a busline, IF he's available at that time. Pray it is so! Funds are being consumed oh-so-quickly, because I chip in for everything, and Levi has been unemployed. He is leaning towards the sale of motorcycles which gives pure commission of, I believe, 4%. We'll see. Today we are going to sit down and go over plans for what we want to do here, as a ministry, specifically, a home for children, educating them not only academically but also to prepare them to work. I'd thought of being a foster mother once upon a time (and learned that my own mom did too) but Ansel's health -physical and psychological - was not conducive to it. Such a ministry will be perfect for when traveling hither and yon gets too difficult, and I can release that spirit of adoption over needy kids. But we need to do some planning.
We had a nice conversation as we awaited sleep last night, getting to know each other better, sharing about our past experiences. I treasure such opportunities.
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