June 25 -
Pastor Andy (whom I fondly call sobrino - nephew - the one who's married to a member of the Utia tribe - invited me to a Pastors conference and luncheon and picked up Jorge and me (yes ME, we don't say "picked up I") - his wife Cynthia was already in the cab. Then he picked up pastors Manuel and Gladys. She told me later at the luncheon that when I took her hand in greeting she was impressed (by the Spirit) that (in her words) "Wow, aqui esta una REINA" (Here is a queen) - and explained that was how God saw me, for all I'd been through and all I'd accomplished for the kingdom (Reader's Digest Condensed Version.) Needless to say, I was encouraged. Jorge introduced me to the pastors at our table, but I also saw some old friends, Ps. Alberto and Gregorio and his wife Juanita. We'd arived a bit late, so we were served latr. Then Cynthia and I descended nd went outside to wait - and the others got involved in a long conversation with the owneer of the establishment who was also Christian. While we waited outsied, some sisters approached and one asked if I was a missionary, to which I replied in the affirmative. She was with her mother and daughter and we got to talking, and another photo op. The others tarried in their conversation and we finally left around 4:30, and Manuel and Gladys treated us to dinner at their favorite polleria. When we got home, I was so tired, still from the trip, so I flopped a while even though Tito arrived for the youth meeting. I did doze through some of the music and all, a necessary nap, and arose later as Sabna was teaching from the word, and then joined them. I was able to share a little which confirmed what she'd been saying, and after praeyr, she and I distributed some of the Hershey kisses - besitos - that I'd brought. I also got more pix. Of course. And Sabi and I have planned some meals. Tomorrow I have an invitation to speak at an evening service.
June 26 - Breakfasted on a filet of chicken breast sauteed with onions and peppers and French rolls - crusty outside, soft inside. Yummy. Ruth and Sabina opted to eat the peanut butter I'd brought - you know, those big jars that cost, what, 5 or 6 bucks? here they cost about3 times that. So it's a treat! While we ate, Sabi told me I was a blessing whenever I came. One of the young folks hadn't been to church in a month, but came last night when he knew I was here. Another hadn't been for FIVE months, but he also came. She said, " It's not just the physical blessing of the things you bring like peanut butter and clothing. It's the love of God in you that just flows so frely and breaks chains.
Service started at 10. Sabi opened with worship and praise, a brother read from Matt. 6:1-14. Then some time for testimonies or songs, so we had some of those, and when one brother came up he greeted me enthusiastically. After the singing, Sabi had me come up and I shared from John 17:20-23. Afterwards, Jorge taught some. Then we had communion, and also time for people to come up for prayer. I joined in praying for people. And we closed with hugs and prayer.
I'd been called for a lunch invitation, supposed to be after church (12) but as time ticked away and I have a commitment at another church this evening, and here it was 2 pm and still no one came for me, Sabi said she would fix lunch instead so I could rest a bit before going out tonight.
So, there's my update, and now I'm gonna get in the word and prayer for tonight while I wait for lunch. Love to my home church, Ciudad de Refugio, thank you for your prayers!
Later June 26 - I managed to go up the spiraling stairs to the new second level and had spaghetti for lunch. I also met Sabina's 2 chickens, Negrita and Gaspita (I THINK that's the other one) and tossed them bits of spaghetti (spoilling them, Carol Gary!) Then I had a cup of manzanilla tea to help me rest before going out again tonight. Went downstairs and one of my Soldados de Barro and Roca, Elvis, was there to visit. He told me the happy news that they're expecting in February. He and Sabi played around a bit on guitar and drum, and after Sabi went back upstairs, he was singing a song he remembered and suddenly started improvising - singing how he was glad to have a mamita named Shelley and how we had many fun adventures and this and that - a little serenade, that brought me to tears! I hugged and kissed him and told him I needed a little nap but first I wanted to pray a blessing over him, which I did - and then he did same for me. It was a really sweet time! And I had a good nap. Abi - try manzanilla tea.
Pastor Andy |
My table at the pastors' conference/luncheon |
with Ps Jorge and Alberto |
New friends, 3 generations |
Cynthia, Andy, and Manuel |
Jose and Tito |
Ruth, Jose, me, and Tito |
Moises and Jhon |
Ruth and Sabi at breakfast |
Eggs! |
Gaspita and Negrita |
with Ps Amerigo and his wife |
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