Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ready In Season and Out of Season

So, My brother in law Victor was over onThurs. I think he may have taken us to the market - I'd have to consult my journal for details. But anyway, he gave his pastor a call when we got home and introduced us on the phone, and then as we were having lunch his pastor called him back and asked him to pass on to me the invitation to speak to the women's group that night. Well, hey, I'm a missionary..."Lista" ready! So he picked me up and his daughter Carmen and his mother in law sat up front with me. Since it's a "Missionary Alliance" church  I spoke about missions, starting with "Who wants to be a missionary?" Very few hands. I gave the good news and the bad news - we are ALL missionaries. But we don't all have to go very far to represent Christ. Anyway, it was a blessing for me to be able to share from the word - one of my favorite things to do! The pastora said that it was a surprise for them - as it was for me - as their original speaker had to cancel. I forgot my camera, but niece Carmen came through for me.
I went with the parents, uncle and aunt to church today, where we had communion. Afterwards I greeted fellow gringo missionaries, and we've been invited to go to a restaurant for lunch on Wednesday (we = Papi, Mami, and I, and Levi if he can switch his hours).
I have become interested in the World Cup games. For one thing, soccer is a lot easier to follow than American football! I root for the latino teams, but so far they've failed when I've rooted for them. Maybe I should root for the team I DON'T want to win?
I have some interesting pix but I think I,ll wait till I,m in Lima to download them. One is a big flattened toad...also have some pix of me with my honey. Levi and I have had some good talks about plans and visions. It's been a good several days so far.Anyway, again thanks for your prayers! It's a bit harder to get to the internet here in Pucallpa. When I am in Lima, it'll be easier.

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