Had a late breakfast because I was up late. Later on, Jorge's sister Sonia and mother came by. Sonia chatted with me a while, and then Sabi came down to ask about what to make for lunch. Since Sonia doesn't like any kind of noodle/pasta (which I understand, my grandson having the same issue with the texture) we decided to do the beef bits with lots of veggies - broccoli, red pepper, onions, and cilantro, and of course GARLIC. Served with rice. I ALMOST forgot to take the food pic! Then I went downstairs to diddle about on FB. Well, Sabi told me a bunch of the youth were going to this big Christian concert, wanting her to come, and wondering about my coming. But, truthfully, even if we bring along a folding chair, I don't think I have the stamina, much as I'd love to hear Marcos Witt in concert. So I suggested it may be a good opportunity for me to spend the night with some other friends, Abel's sister Cristina, and frequent friend Psa Lorenza. Not having phone numbers, I was sending messages via facebook and saw that Cristina's son was online, so I also sent him a message, and soon after Lorenza got back to me and will come to get me in about an hour. So I grabbed my toothbrush and some necessaries and prepare for a nice visit. Camera too, of course!
My goddaughter Ester came with her baby Josias to pick me up. We went by motokar to her mom Lorenza's place of business, a little tailor shop in an enclosed market place. There I wiled away some time with them, getting pix as her kids trickled in. Eldest, Mirian, was already there helping with the work. My namesake showed up with a delighted cry of "Hermana SHELLEEEEEEEEY!" Aaron arrived, and later David,and the twins Albert and Daisy, and finally Jonas. We started chatting until it was time to close up. Lorenza invited me to the church, formerly Aposento Alto, now Santidad a Jehovah. David carried my satchel and deposited it in the adjoining house while we waited for someone who REMEMBERED the key. I didn't have to preach! There were cushions for kneeling on the floor during opening prayer time, and I told Lorenza I couldn't kneel. We just waited a moment at the entrance as a sister prayed over us - something like a spiritual wiping off the feet before going in, I guess. Then Lorenza got a chair down for me and I joined in praying quietly while the pastora (NOT Lorenza) prayed in the mike for a time. When prayer time was over, the chairs were set out and service began. Mirian and Ester each took part in leading in singing. Daisy was quite taken with me (in the shop little Shelley mentioned her curiosity about our money, so I showed them coins and dollar bills) and sat by me snuggling, until I suggested she lay her head on my lap. She was disappointed that she didn't have a chance to sing HER special, but meanwhile, she ended up dozing off. When she stirred, fussing in her semi-wakeful state (she's 5 years old), Lorenza took her to the house. After the sermon and offering, the prayer of benediction, and I waited for Lorenza to escort me to Aurora's house where I'd spend the night. While waiting the Pastora talked to me and suddenly realized, Oh, I was the MISSIONARY! (I guess short hair and pants threw her off!) and she asked questions and enjoyed conversation - then they realized I was going to Pucallpa, and here was a sister from that very place! (pictures again!) Then David with my satchel and Lorenza and I started walking in the direction of Aurora's house until we got a motokar the rest of the way. She was delighted to receive me and we all had a late, light supper of a chicken noodle soup, plus hot chocolate and crackers. I slept well in the upper room, bathroom just across the hall. No clock around, so I don't know what time it was when I got up, but she let me use her Bible while she went about preparing our breakfast of eggs, rolls, and "Quaker" (oatmeal). Later Lorenza arrived with my dollars exchanged for soles, while Aurora went with her young helper Luzmila to get makings for lunch. We all sat in the kitchen chatting, until another , a brother Jhonny arrived and he and I engaged in a long conversation concerning mainly sanctification. Then lunch - chicken noodle soup, then "Pollo al ingles" (chicken fillets salted and fried), a salad consisting of peas, green beens, and beets, and the ubiquitous rice. After lunch, Lorenza accompanied me back to my temporary home and now I am awaiting pick up by my next host church.
Peru's News for Youse to Peruse
Notes and News about Shelley Saffer (de Utia) in her mission work in South America

Monday, July 18, 2016
June 30
Around 10 Sabi and I were to be picked up to go visit folks I met at conference -Reina and family - in Los Olivos. I also called the translator to see if a rush could be put on my papers because I have to take them to the dept. of exterior relations, and I want thiings to be done BEFORE my flight to Pucallpa! Pray for the paperwork to be expedited - I don't want to have to change my flight!
Reina was later than expected due to traffic. She arrived around 11:30 and we took a motokar to the Metro, Lima's elevated train which runs North-South. Took it to Miguel Grau and then a taxi to Los Olivos. Sabi and I were surprised when she led us to a Catholic school, where I was invited to share about my faith and experiences. They seemed to be from kindergarten to maybe 6th grade. Some came up and wished us a good afternoon with a little peck on the cheek. Three boys, obvious friends, were in front all giggly, poking each other, hugging each other. I shared about how I came to the Lord, and some of the things He's brought me through; and from Ps. 139 and Eph. 2:10 about how special each of THEM is.Then there was time for questions - stretched out by many giggles - questions ranged from wondering my age, to whether we'd sin any more once we got to heaven, to how can we have a closer walk with God. We finished after about an hour, then walked to Reina's mom's house where we served a delicious lunch with a couple of teachers and family members.Reina served us a yummy cake for dessert. I had GOOOOD exercise as we walked and walked and walked to where we could get a cab or motokar back to the Metro; more exercise as I trundled up the stairs to the platform. Reina paid our way back and slipped an offering in my hand and we were on our way back to Villa el Salvador. I'm glad I brought the cane, as it made the stairs a little easier and guaranteed me a seat on the train. Since we'd had such a late lunch, we weren't hungry, but I gave Sabi the offering and some more to get us pollo a la braza for dinner after the service. I was so tired after all the physical exertion that I lay down and even dozed during the service. But I came out in time to greet folks, and a brother Lorenzo spent some time talking with me afterwards. Shy, soft-spoken, but he said whenever I come it inspires him to press on more. He was asking about where I lived, since his daughter had spent some time studying in the states "where it's always cold, with ice" (so I guessed Alaska but it turned out to be Minnesota!) I turned on the computer and put up google maps and showed him around a little. He enjoyed the virtual travel!
Anyway, Sabi got our chicken so I went upstairs and we enjoyed it. Moises tried the Heinz ketchup we got at Tottus the other day, and he pronounced it "rico." And here I am. Pray I can get a phone call through to Levi so he knows I haven't forgotten about him! Pray also for those papers to get processed in time!
Reina was later than expected due to traffic. She arrived around 11:30 and we took a motokar to the Metro, Lima's elevated train which runs North-South. Took it to Miguel Grau and then a taxi to Los Olivos. Sabi and I were surprised when she led us to a Catholic school, where I was invited to share about my faith and experiences. They seemed to be from kindergarten to maybe 6th grade. Some came up and wished us a good afternoon with a little peck on the cheek. Three boys, obvious friends, were in front all giggly, poking each other, hugging each other. I shared about how I came to the Lord, and some of the things He's brought me through; and from Ps. 139 and Eph. 2:10 about how special each of THEM is.Then there was time for questions - stretched out by many giggles - questions ranged from wondering my age, to whether we'd sin any more once we got to heaven, to how can we have a closer walk with God. We finished after about an hour, then walked to Reina's mom's house where we served a delicious lunch with a couple of teachers and family members.Reina served us a yummy cake for dessert. I had GOOOOD exercise as we walked and walked and walked to where we could get a cab or motokar back to the Metro; more exercise as I trundled up the stairs to the platform. Reina paid our way back and slipped an offering in my hand and we were on our way back to Villa el Salvador. I'm glad I brought the cane, as it made the stairs a little easier and guaranteed me a seat on the train. Since we'd had such a late lunch, we weren't hungry, but I gave Sabi the offering and some more to get us pollo a la braza for dinner after the service. I was so tired after all the physical exertion that I lay down and even dozed during the service. But I came out in time to greet folks, and a brother Lorenzo spent some time talking with me afterwards. Shy, soft-spoken, but he said whenever I come it inspires him to press on more. He was asking about where I lived, since his daughter had spent some time studying in the states "where it's always cold, with ice" (so I guessed Alaska but it turned out to be Minnesota!) I turned on the computer and put up google maps and showed him around a little. He enjoyed the virtual travel!
Anyway, Sabi got our chicken so I went upstairs and we enjoyed it. Moises tried the Heinz ketchup we got at Tottus the other day, and he pronounced it "rico." And here I am. Pray I can get a phone call through to Levi so he knows I haven't forgotten about him! Pray also for those papers to get processed in time!
Students |
You can kinda see me between Sabina and Reina |
Good food and good company - some of the teachers along with Reina and her Mom |
Reina cuts the cake |
June 29
My son "el Payaso" (the clown) Dany came with his fiancee - they arrived after Sabi, Ruth and I breakfasted, so Sabi fixed them a light breakfast, courtesy of Gaspina and Negrita. I spent a good time chatting with them, Dany filling me in on what's been going on. Then I went up to make Tuna melts, the ingredients for which we'd gone to Tottus, the Wegman's/Walmart equivalent here in Peru. Sabi also prepared rice and some chicken, as if the tuna melts were not enough.Tuna melts were a success, no leftovers of the dozen I made with the help of a sister, Marcelina, from Ps. Alberto's church, who got drafted into flipping the 2 sandwiches in the pan while I assembled 2 more at a time. Dany and I each had 2; he ALSO had the chicken, potatoes, rice, and platanos that Sabi prepared! After a pleasant lunch and company, they left, and later Sabi, Jorge, and I went and prayed for a sister Nimia from the church, and son Tito. Then Jorge and I joined Roldan and the brother from his church, Cesar, who drove us to the Cerro, that is, the high place - I mean, this was HIGH! And it was rainy today - not like in the jungle, but still, the mist was heavier, with actual drops. The haze was so thick too, that I was praying in the spirit all the way up and back because of how steep it was. And we went at a very slow pace, with good reason! But we arrived safely, obviously, as I'm reporting it - and once there, had to ascend a steep stairway, some of the steps of which were higher than others. GLAD I TOOK THE CANE, for just in case! We dined with Ps. Ruben and his mother, wife, and brother, and then descended - here I really appreciated the arm held for me, with the pastor in front of me to pad my fall (haha).I shared a message from a few passages, notably Ps. 139, John 17, 2 Cor 4, and Rom. 12, something for everyone (I was sensing). Aftrwards, Jorge invited people to come up for prayer, and so I went to each and prayed for them. Ps. Ruben was very happy to have me, saying there'd been prophecy that foreign missionaries would come from all over, and I was the first! So, a blessing and honor for me!
Anyway, I was given a bottle of dark, rich honey, and brought safely "home", and will just catch up a bit before i hit the hay. Thanks for on-going prayers - I'm sure they kept us on the road rather than over the cliff!
Anyway, I was given a bottle of dark, rich honey, and brought safely "home", and will just catch up a bit before i hit the hay. Thanks for on-going prayers - I'm sure they kept us on the road rather than over the cliff!
Dany and Janny |
Tuna melts! |
Why missionaries need our prayers |
Why it's hard to lose weight |
The pastor's mum, Roldan, Jorge, and Ps. Ruben |
Message - nice background, isn't it? |
Praying |
Monday, June 27, 2016
June 27 - Embassy and Andy
Last night Sabi and I got a motokar (Jorge followed a bit later) to the church Nueva Vida pastored by Amerigo, who has quite a testimony: He'd been hit in the head by a huge rock or brick at a construction site which literally bashed in his head. He was in a coma for a time - Jorge and Sabina held regular fasting and prayer vigils for him, and here he is today, still pastoring his church! Glory! I was blessed to receive the offering, and used part of it for a cab home for the 3 of us.
Then we had Ps. Andy come for us - me, Sabi, and Ruth - to take us to my appt. at the embassy to get the notarized affidavit saying I am free to marry. We were so early, having beat the traffic, that I treated us to breakfast of chicken sandwiches and papaya juice. Things have changed at the embassy, and Sabi and Ruth couldn't accompany me inside. So they waited outsied for me. I told security I had a titanium knee - one of the guards said, "Somos iguales!" (We're the same!) When I set off the scanner, I offered to pull out the cards issued to me, but they waved me on. Since I was so early, I actually got biz taken care of before my 9 am appt. So I rejoined my friends and we waited for Andy to pick us up and take us to an official translator. We had to wait for her to open, and then I put a deposit down on the work. The official document with the apostille will be an official translation, but I also gave my previous marriage certificate and the death certificate - which, having no apostille, would not be OFFICIAL, but at least I'd have something IN CASE. She said they'll be ready MONDAY the 4th, at 3 pm! I hope the next stop will finish in time! I may call from time to time to see if they got done before the 4th. It would be more convenient to have them finished THIS week. Put THAT in your prayers!
There was an unfortunate woman in line whose purse with passport and important stuff had been stolen when she was in Cuzco. Pray for travelers everywhere!
Well, Andy took Sabi and Ruth home, and I asked him how much I should pay him. He was going to charge me only 20 soles, ridiculously low! I gave him 5 times that because he'd been driving all over the city. Then he brought me to his home where he cooked what I thought was lunch - but he said it was just, what did he call it? I forgot, something like appetizer I guess...a tide-y over, as my family calls it - and another pastor, Wilme, stopped in to visit and join us. Had a nice conversation with him and Cynthia's mom, Graciela, cousin to Levi through his uncle Armando. Afterwards, I was ready to go home, thanking Andy for lunch - which is when he revealed that was more like a snack. Cynthia had me lie down for a little nap while Andy did some errands, and later she prepare the ACTUAL lunch (photo thereof in album!) THEN he drove me "home" after picking up his sister Enma and nieces to go elsewhere after dropping me off. The one niece was telling how she met a boy in her school from the United States and she saw some money that looked strange. I showed her a dollar bill and a quarter - and gave her the quarter.
Pray also for Cynthia who has been afflicted with Lupus and also suffering side effects of prednisone.
All for today!
Then we had Ps. Andy come for us - me, Sabi, and Ruth - to take us to my appt. at the embassy to get the notarized affidavit saying I am free to marry. We were so early, having beat the traffic, that I treated us to breakfast of chicken sandwiches and papaya juice. Things have changed at the embassy, and Sabi and Ruth couldn't accompany me inside. So they waited outsied for me. I told security I had a titanium knee - one of the guards said, "Somos iguales!" (We're the same!) When I set off the scanner, I offered to pull out the cards issued to me, but they waved me on. Since I was so early, I actually got biz taken care of before my 9 am appt. So I rejoined my friends and we waited for Andy to pick us up and take us to an official translator. We had to wait for her to open, and then I put a deposit down on the work. The official document with the apostille will be an official translation, but I also gave my previous marriage certificate and the death certificate - which, having no apostille, would not be OFFICIAL, but at least I'd have something IN CASE. She said they'll be ready MONDAY the 4th, at 3 pm! I hope the next stop will finish in time! I may call from time to time to see if they got done before the 4th. It would be more convenient to have them finished THIS week. Put THAT in your prayers!
There was an unfortunate woman in line whose purse with passport and important stuff had been stolen when she was in Cuzco. Pray for travelers everywhere!
Well, Andy took Sabi and Ruth home, and I asked him how much I should pay him. He was going to charge me only 20 soles, ridiculously low! I gave him 5 times that because he'd been driving all over the city. Then he brought me to his home where he cooked what I thought was lunch - but he said it was just, what did he call it? I forgot, something like appetizer I guess...a tide-y over, as my family calls it - and another pastor, Wilme, stopped in to visit and join us. Had a nice conversation with him and Cynthia's mom, Graciela, cousin to Levi through his uncle Armando. Afterwards, I was ready to go home, thanking Andy for lunch - which is when he revealed that was more like a snack. Cynthia had me lie down for a little nap while Andy did some errands, and later she prepare the ACTUAL lunch (photo thereof in album!) THEN he drove me "home" after picking up his sister Enma and nieces to go elsewhere after dropping me off. The one niece was telling how she met a boy in her school from the United States and she saw some money that looked strange. I showed her a dollar bill and a quarter - and gave her the quarter.
Pray also for Cynthia who has been afflicted with Lupus and also suffering side effects of prednisone.
All for today!
Shelita and Chela |
Chef Andy |
A typical Peruvian meal |
View of Ocean (PACIFIC!) |
The Weekend: June 25 and 26
June 25 - Pastor Andy (whom I fondly call sobrino - nephew - the one who's married to a member of the Utia tribe - invited me to a Pastors conference and luncheon and picked up Jorge and me (yes ME, we don't say "picked up I") - his wife Cynthia was already in the cab. Then he picked up pastors Manuel and Gladys. She told me later at the luncheon that when I took her hand in greeting she was impressed (by the Spirit) that (in her words) "Wow, aqui esta una REINA" (Here is a queen) - and explained that was how God saw me, for all I'd been through and all I'd accomplished for the kingdom (Reader's Digest Condensed Version.) Needless to say, I was encouraged. Jorge introduced me to the pastors at our table, but I also saw some old friends, Ps. Alberto and Gregorio and his wife Juanita. We'd arived a bit late, so we were served latr. Then Cynthia and I descended nd went outside to wait - and the others got involved in a long conversation with the owneer of the establishment who was also Christian. While we waited outsied, some sisters approached and one asked if I was a missionary, to which I replied in the affirmative. She was with her mother and daughter and we got to talking, and another photo op. The others tarried in their conversation and we finally left around 4:30, and Manuel and Gladys treated us to dinner at their favorite polleria. When we got home, I was so tired, still from the trip, so I flopped a while even though Tito arrived for the youth meeting. I did doze through some of the music and all, a necessary nap, and arose later as Sabna was teaching from the word, and then joined them. I was able to share a little which confirmed what she'd been saying, and after praeyr, she and I distributed some of the Hershey kisses - besitos - that I'd brought. I also got more pix. Of course. And Sabi and I have planned some meals. Tomorrow I have an invitation to speak at an evening service.
June 26 - Breakfasted on a filet of chicken breast sauteed with onions and peppers and French rolls - crusty outside, soft inside. Yummy. Ruth and Sabina opted to eat the peanut butter I'd brought - you know, those big jars that cost, what, 5 or 6 bucks? here they cost about3 times that. So it's a treat! While we ate, Sabi told me I was a blessing whenever I came. One of the young folks hadn't been to church in a month, but came last night when he knew I was here. Another hadn't been for FIVE months, but he also came. She said, " It's not just the physical blessing of the things you bring like peanut butter and clothing. It's the love of God in you that just flows so frely and breaks chains.
Service started at 10. Sabi opened with worship and praise, a brother read from Matt. 6:1-14. Then some time for testimonies or songs, so we had some of those, and when one brother came up he greeted me enthusiastically. After the singing, Sabi had me come up and I shared from John 17:20-23. Afterwards, Jorge taught some. Then we had communion, and also time for people to come up for prayer. I joined in praying for people. And we closed with hugs and prayer.
I'd been called for a lunch invitation, supposed to be after church (12) but as time ticked away and I have a commitment at another church this evening, and here it was 2 pm and still no one came for me, Sabi said she would fix lunch instead so I could rest a bit before going out tonight.
So, there's my update, and now I'm gonna get in the word and prayer for tonight while I wait for lunch. Love to my home church, Ciudad de Refugio, thank you for your prayers!
June 26 - Breakfasted on a filet of chicken breast sauteed with onions and peppers and French rolls - crusty outside, soft inside. Yummy. Ruth and Sabina opted to eat the peanut butter I'd brought - you know, those big jars that cost, what, 5 or 6 bucks? here they cost about3 times that. So it's a treat! While we ate, Sabi told me I was a blessing whenever I came. One of the young folks hadn't been to church in a month, but came last night when he knew I was here. Another hadn't been for FIVE months, but he also came. She said, " It's not just the physical blessing of the things you bring like peanut butter and clothing. It's the love of God in you that just flows so frely and breaks chains.
Service started at 10. Sabi opened with worship and praise, a brother read from Matt. 6:1-14. Then some time for testimonies or songs, so we had some of those, and when one brother came up he greeted me enthusiastically. After the singing, Sabi had me come up and I shared from John 17:20-23. Afterwards, Jorge taught some. Then we had communion, and also time for people to come up for prayer. I joined in praying for people. And we closed with hugs and prayer.
I'd been called for a lunch invitation, supposed to be after church (12) but as time ticked away and I have a commitment at another church this evening, and here it was 2 pm and still no one came for me, Sabi said she would fix lunch instead so I could rest a bit before going out tonight.
So, there's my update, and now I'm gonna get in the word and prayer for tonight while I wait for lunch. Love to my home church, Ciudad de Refugio, thank you for your prayers!
Later June 26 - I managed to go up the spiraling stairs to the new second level and had spaghetti for lunch. I also met Sabina's 2 chickens, Negrita and Gaspita (I THINK that's the other one) and tossed them bits of spaghetti (spoilling them, Carol Gary!) Then I had a cup of manzanilla tea to help me rest before going out again tonight. Went downstairs and one of my Soldados de Barro and Roca, Elvis, was there to visit. He told me the happy news that they're expecting in February. He and Sabi played around a bit on guitar and drum, and after Sabi went back upstairs, he was singing a song he remembered and suddenly started improvising - singing how he was glad to have a mamita named Shelley and how we had many fun adventures and this and that - a little serenade, that brought me to tears! I hugged and kissed him and told him I needed a little nap but first I wanted to pray a blessing over him, which I did - and then he did same for me. It was a really sweet time! And I had a good nap. Abi - try manzanilla tea.
Pastor Andy |
My table at the pastors' conference/luncheon |
with Ps Jorge and Alberto |
New friends, 3 generations |
Cynthia, Andy, and Manuel |
Jose and Tito |
Ruth, Jose, me, and Tito |
Moises and Jhon |
Ruth and Sabi at breakfast |
Eggs! |
Gaspita and Negrita |
with Ps Amerigo and his wife |
Saturday, June 25, 2016
On the Way, and Arrival
Safe and sound and rested in Villa el Salvador!
Flights were thankfully uneventful, all on time. I tried tipping my wheelchair jockeys but they refused and one said "we can't" so that saved money...Plus I actually did NOT have to pay for the 2nd suitcase...another savings. Yay! Which made up for the outrageously priced salad and water I had for lunch at Washington Reagan airport (my first time in THAT one). But the container was nice, so I gave it to Sabina - a handy rectangular thing with a lid.And I kept the water bottle, refilling it from water fountains.
Next stage was Orlando, and that's where I had the longest layover, a full 7 hours before my next flight took off. I had originally thought to have my sister Pam come from Tavares, but thought better of it - heat, and traffic and long drive - ugh! But I journaled some, and since it was also the first time in THAT airport, took some pix. While waiting in line got to chatting with some women from Chile. What caught my attention was how the mom was smooshing her adult daughters' faces and kissing them, and we were all laughing, and I suggested her daughter get vengeance by doing what MY daughter aBI does - "Oh, Mommy, I love you - SHLURP!!" Anyway, since we were waiting long, we talked about a lot of different things, including my reasons for going to Peru. We had such a nice time that we exhanged names, and I'll be "friending" the girls.
Arrived at 10:20 in Lima, passed through customs and was met by Sabina, Jorge, and Jose and Ps. Andy came as the taxi driver. He shared all manner of testimonies of what he's seen God doing and what he's been doing, with me putting in a comment now and then. I guess we arrived "home" iin Villa el Salvador around 1 am, and the church has its ROOF! (in 2014 they were having some fund-raisers, the parillada and the fried dough). Jhon had helped construct a little room downstairs, and this is where I am stationed, with bed and internet near the bathroom - what more do I need? Abel arrived at the airport after we'd already left, so he came this morning to have breakfast with me (cooked by Sabina - 2 fried eggs with rolls called pan frances, French bread - and instant coffe, and OLIVES!) Then after he left Jhon came to visit (and I gave him his very own small jar of peanut butter).
I have been in Isaiah 40 and sense the Lord leading to tell of Father's love - AGAIN. So - in your prayers, pray He uses me as a vessel thereof. Oh, and as I was starting this,Gaby stopped by to greet me before going to work. Hope we have a chance to visit! Anyway, now to load some pix.
Flights were thankfully uneventful, all on time. I tried tipping my wheelchair jockeys but they refused and one said "we can't" so that saved money...Plus I actually did NOT have to pay for the 2nd suitcase...another savings. Yay! Which made up for the outrageously priced salad and water I had for lunch at Washington Reagan airport (my first time in THAT one). But the container was nice, so I gave it to Sabina - a handy rectangular thing with a lid.And I kept the water bottle, refilling it from water fountains.
Next stage was Orlando, and that's where I had the longest layover, a full 7 hours before my next flight took off. I had originally thought to have my sister Pam come from Tavares, but thought better of it - heat, and traffic and long drive - ugh! But I journaled some, and since it was also the first time in THAT airport, took some pix. While waiting in line got to chatting with some women from Chile. What caught my attention was how the mom was smooshing her adult daughters' faces and kissing them, and we were all laughing, and I suggested her daughter get vengeance by doing what MY daughter aBI does - "Oh, Mommy, I love you - SHLURP!!" Anyway, since we were waiting long, we talked about a lot of different things, including my reasons for going to Peru. We had such a nice time that we exhanged names, and I'll be "friending" the girls.
Arrived at 10:20 in Lima, passed through customs and was met by Sabina, Jorge, and Jose and Ps. Andy came as the taxi driver. He shared all manner of testimonies of what he's seen God doing and what he's been doing, with me putting in a comment now and then. I guess we arrived "home" iin Villa el Salvador around 1 am, and the church has its ROOF! (in 2014 they were having some fund-raisers, the parillada and the fried dough). Jhon had helped construct a little room downstairs, and this is where I am stationed, with bed and internet near the bathroom - what more do I need? Abel arrived at the airport after we'd already left, so he came this morning to have breakfast with me (cooked by Sabina - 2 fried eggs with rolls called pan frances, French bread - and instant coffe, and OLIVES!) Then after he left Jhon came to visit (and I gave him his very own small jar of peanut butter).
I have been in Isaiah 40 and sense the Lord leading to tell of Father's love - AGAIN. So - in your prayers, pray He uses me as a vessel thereof. Oh, and as I was starting this,Gaby stopped by to greet me before going to work. Hope we have a chance to visit! Anyway, now to load some pix.
Atrium at Orlando airport |
Okyanna and Tavieth |
Minnie Mouse ears! |
Ingrid and me, new friends |
Viloleta her mother |
Jorge and Sabi with me at airport |
Abel for Breakfast |
Jhon visits |
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Getting Ready!
This will be my 11th trip to Peru. Missions - ministering in visitation and encouragement - is still priority BUT this time I am hoping that all my documents are within the allowed time period so that Levi and I can get an OFFICIAL, civil (as opposed to church - not that we are not civil!) ceremony. Just keep the details in your prayers - God knows what's necessary and we have an idea!
Not sure who exactly will pick me up at the airport, but Ps. Jorge assures me they have it covered. I'll be arriving around 11 pm Friday June 24. But here are a few pix of people who have seen me off, and who have welcomed me. I did request of Ps. Jorge that he get young Ps. Andy to be the driver - he is also a cabdriver and knows the city well, and when I learned he got married to a relation of Levi's - the daughter of his cousin's niece - well, I figure, I'd just as soon pay FAMILY for services!
Not sure who exactly will pick me up at the airport, but Ps. Jorge assures me they have it covered. I'll be arriving around 11 pm Friday June 24. But here are a few pix of people who have seen me off, and who have welcomed me. I did request of Ps. Jorge that he get young Ps. Andy to be the driver - he is also a cabdriver and knows the city well, and when I learned he got married to a relation of Levi's - the daughter of his cousin's niece - well, I figure, I'd just as soon pay FAMILY for services!
Ps. Andy and his wife Cynthia and her son |
Ruth meets me at the airport to pass time before I return to the States |
L to R, Ronal, Jose, Jhibson, and Tito take charge of luggage when I arrive from Pucallpa in 2012 |
![]() |
A host of others bid me farewell in 2012. They may not be there to greet me tomorrow night, but I'm certain of an enthusiastic welcome when we all get up Saturday morning! |
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